Joyful Expressions Customer Favorites

Name Blessings Banner

Name Blessings

By far, these are our most sought after designs. Featuring several attractive pre-designed borders. Any Name Personalized along with the Name Meaning and Bible Verse.

Customers like Pauline Fields, have stitched up to fifteen of these for children and grandchildren as cherished heirloom gifts.

Most Popular Charts in Miscellaneous sizes

Most Popular Charts in Miscellaneous sizes

For Unto Us

Hands Down, our Most Popular Design!

For Unto Us - Isaiah 9:6

Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit

Hebrew Names of God


Books of the Bible

Two versions all Blues or Colorful

John 3:16

GOSPEL - John 3:16
His Name is Jesus
Twice the size of the Free Version

His Name is Jesus - Extra Large Size

Sign up for our Newsletter for the free version

Quaker Cross

Available in two colorways on one chart

Quaker Cross


Six verses of Hope on one chart


8 x 10 inch Gallery

8 x 10 inches
(based on 14 count Aida or 28 count Evenweave or Linen over 2)

Philippians 4:13

HIM WHO STRENGTHENS Philippians 4:13

Act Walk Love
Micah 6:8

Act Love Walk Micah 6:8

Give Thanks - 8 x 10"
Psalm 136:1

Give Thanks Psalm 136:1

C.O.F.F.E.E. - 8 x 10"

C.O.F.F.E.E. Christ Offers Forgiveness for Everyone Everywhere

He Cares For You
I Peter 5:7

He Cares For You -  I Peter 5:7

Fruit of The Spirit
Galatians 5:22-23

Fruit of the Spirit - Galatians 5:22-23

Custom Designs for You

Custom For You

Most are at 8 x 10 inches (based on 14 count Aida or 28 count Evenweave or Linen over 2) and are available as instant download PDF charts or as kits.

The Lord Bless You - 8 x 10"
Numbers 6:24-26

The Lord Bless You - Numbers 6:24-26

Seek Me And Find Me - 8 x 10"
Jeremiah 29:13

Seek Me And Find Me - Jeremiah 29:13

Goodness Of God - 8 x 10"
Praise Song

Goodness Of God - Praise Song

For The Lord Your God - 8 x 10"
Joshua 1:9

For The Lord Your God - Joshua 1:9

We Will Serve The Lord - 8 x 10"
Joshua 24:15

We Will Serve The Lord - Joshua 24:1

Peace of God - 8 x 10"
Philippians 4:6-7

Peace of God - Philippians 4:6-7

Not Your Own Understanding - 8 x 10"
Proverbs 3:5-6

Not Your Own Understanding Proverbs 3:5-6

What Does The Lord Require - 8 x 10"
Micah 6:8

What Does The Lord Require Micah 6:8

Most Popular design in Spanish - Su Nombre es Jesús

Su Nombre es Jesus

5 x 5 Inch Gallery

5 x 5 inches
(based on 14 count Aida or 28 count Evenweave or Linen over 2)

Way Truth Life - John 14:6 - Three Versions in one Chart!

Way Truth Life - John 14:6Way Truth Life - John 14:6Way Truth Life - John 14:6

To Beautiful - 5 x 5"
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Beautiful - Ecclesiastes 3:11

Mountains - 5 x 5"
Psalm 121:1-2

Mountains - Psalm 121:1-2

Lord / Shepherd - 5 x 5"
Psalm 23:1

Lord Shepherd Psalm 23:1

Potter / Clay - 5 x 5"
Isaiah 64:8

Potter Clay Isaiah 64:8

Borders and Verses - Custom Designs

Love Bears Believes and Endures - I Corinthians 13:4-7

Custom Design Service

Nearly as popular as the Name Blessings have been our Custom Designs. Choose a pre-designed border, submit your favorite Bible Verse, and we do the rest. Take a look at Border Options as well as Custom Designs that are already available as charts and kits.

While you are here, sign up for our Joyful Expressions Newsletter Signup

and receive an authorized download to the Free Design "His Name is Jesus"

His Name is Jesus - Free Chart with Newsletter Sign Up