Punto de Cruz españoles Bible Verses

Su Nombre Es Jesus

Rated Customer's Favorite

View the same 5 x 5" designs in English

View the same 5 x 7" designs in English

View several of the same 8 x 10" designs in English

View Free Spanish Designs

Blue Letter Bible - Spanish Resources

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Fits standard "off the shelf" frames (20.3 x 25.5 cm) 112 x 140 stitches based on 14 count Aida or 28 count Evenweave.

If stitched on 16 count Aida or 32 count Evenweave or Linen, your finished size will be 7 x 8 ¾ 17.8 x 22.2cm - 112 x 140 stitches.

Filipenses 4:13

Fortalece - Filipenses 4:13 View Larger and/or Order

Fruto del Espiritu
Galatas 5:22

Fruto del Espiritu - Galatas 5:22 View Larger and/or Order

70w x 70h stitches, 5 x 5 inches, if stitched on 14 count Aida or 28 count Evenweave or Linen - 12.7 x 12.7cm.

Large, easy to follow two-page charts feature both DMC and Anchor floss.

Your finished size will be 4 ⅜ x 4 ⅜ inches if stitched on 16 count Aida or 32 count Evenweave or Linen - 11.1 x 11.1cm.

Nueva Creacion
II Corintios 5:17
Nueva Creacion - II Corintios 5:17
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Vida Eterna
San Juan 3:16
Vida Eterna - San Juan 3:16
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Caminos Senderos
Los Proverbios 3:6
Caminos Senderos - Los Proverbios 3:6
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SENOR Pastor
Salmo 23:1-3
SENOR Pastor - Salmo 23:1-3
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Casa Serviremos
Josue 24:15
Casa Serviremos  - Josue 24:15
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Amaras Dios Corazon
San Marcos 12:30b
Reduced to $2.00!

Amaras Dios Corazon - San Marcos 12:30
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Arbol Aqua
Jeremias 17:7-8
Arbol Aqua - Jeremias 17:7-8
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Fruito de Spirito
Galatas 5:22
Fruito de Spirito - Galatas 5:22
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Palabra Corazon
Salmo 119:11
Reduced to $2.00!

Palabra Corazon - Salmo 119:11
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Easy to Frame 5 x 7" (12.7 x 17.78cm) Designs

Fits standard 5 x 7" frame or an 8 x 10" frame with mat. Based on 14 count Aida or 28 count Evenweave or Linen - 70 x 98 stitches.

If stitched on 16 count Aida or 32 count Evenweave or Linen, your finished size will be 4 ⅜ x 6 ⅛ - 11.1 x 15.5cm - 70 x 98 stitches.

Ciudad de David

San Lucas 2:11

Ciudad de David - San Lucas 2:11
$5.00 ½ Off $2.50!
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Su Nombre

Isaias 9:6

Su Nombre - Isaias 9:6
$5.00 ½ Off $2.50!
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Fueraz Dignidad
Los Proverbios 31:25
Fueraz Dignidad - Los Proverbios 31:25
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Gran Gozo

San Lucas 2:10b

Gran Gozo - San Lucas 2:10b
$5.00 ½ Off $2.50!
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Stitch the Spanish version of Bless The Lord, O My Soul created by designer Christy Shuhy Ortiz of Happiness Is HeartMade

Stitch Count: 101w x 129h

Design Size on 14-Count Aida / 28 Count Linen (over 2 threads): 7.21"w x 9.21"h

Design Size on 16-Count Aida / 32 Count Linen (over 2 threads): 6.31"w x 8.06"h

Five DMC Floss Colors

Easy to follow Chart on four pages

See the same design in English...

Bendice, Alma Mia A Jehová

Bendice Alma Mia - Salmos 103:1

Salmos 103:1

Su Nombre es Jesús
His Name is Jesus in Spanish

Su Nombre es Jesus - designed in Spanish by Diane Higdon

View larger images in two color ways

Based on the free design "His Name is Jesus" in English, Diane Higdon designed her own version in Spanish to stitch for missionaries stationed in Spanish speaking countries.

This design fits a standard 12 x 16" frame or 16 x 20" frame with a mat

Order the large easy to follow chart on 5 pages for only $8.00

Charted in DMC and Anchor Floss in two color ways, however any three complimentary colors look wonderful!

Download the chart today, start stitching tonight!

Su Nombre es Jesús

Amy Keus
Nanjing, China

Yes, I'm pretty international. I'm the music specialist at an expatriate private school in China, for the children of Western businessmen. One of my bestfriends had lived in Mexico before coming to China When I knew she was demobilising again, I made your cross-stitch for her as a gift of love. She adored living in Mexico and learned Spanish quite well. But she wasn't ready to leave China either! So I cross-stitched the names of Jesus in Spanish and sewed traditional Chinese silk around the edges, to represent the two countries.

Amy would like to design and stitch more of these in Romanian and Russian! ...see additional comments below...

After she left, I thought, "Wait a minute. I LOVED living in Romania And now I'm in China." And so I want to make one for myself, as well If I can do it, and if it is successful, I'm going to try making one for my friend Renee, in Russian. She lived in Kazikstan before coming to China.

Su Nombre His Name is Jesus in Spanish

Rated Customer's Favorite

Stitch the Spanish version of the popular English design "Jehovah".

Finished size - 12 x 16 inches if stitched on 14 count Aida or 28 count Evenweave or Linen (over 2 strands) 38.1w 28.89h cm. This design fits a standard 12 x 16" frame or 16 x 20" frame with mat.

Charted in DMC and Anchor Floss in two color ways - Blue and Berry tones - May be stitched in any three favorite floss colors

Jehová Señor

Jehova Senor

View larger images in two color ways

Order the easy to follow chart on 5 pages for $8.00

Espiritu Santo
Holy Spirit in Spanish

Espiritu Santo

View larger images in two color ways

Based on the popular English version of "Holy Spirit"

Charted in DMC and Anchor Floss in Antique Blues but may be stitched in any three complimentary colors

Order the easy to follow chart on 5 pages for $8.00

Espíritu Santo

Stitch the Trinity in Portuguese

All Three Designs ½ Off for $4.00 Each!

His Name is Jesus in Portuguese

Seu Nome é Jesus

His Name is Jesus in Portuguese

Holy Spirit in Portuguese

Espirito Santo

Holy Spirit in Portuguese

Jehovah in Portuguese

Jeová Senhor

Jehovah in Portuguese

Jesus said..."I Am", "Yo Soy"...Stitch four Bible verses in Spanish

This design finishes to 14 x 14 inches . 195 x 195 stitches . 35.56 x 35.56cm if stitched on 14 count Aida or 28 count Evenweave or Linen (over 2 strands).

Jesús Dijo Yo Soy

Jesus Dijo Yo Soy cross stitch design

View larger images

Order the easy to follow chart on 6 pages for 7.00

Quick Stitch Designs at just $2 each Now ½ Off at $1 each!

These designs came about as a request from Martha Spencer who wanted to stitch Bible verses in Spanish for missionaries in South America to share.

Stitch these designs with your own border or just the back stitched lettering in your favorite floss colors.

Each Quick Stitch design finishes to 5 x 7 inches (12.7 x 17.8cm), so no custom framing needed!

We also have Quick Stitch Designs in English - Just $1-$3 Each!

Sino sed llenos del Espiritu
Efesios 5:18
Sino sed llenos del Espiritu - Efesions 5:18
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Jehová es mi Luz
Salmos 27:1
Jehova es mi Luz-  Salmos 27:1
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Fiate de Jehová
Los Proverbios 3:5
Fiate de Jehova - Proverbios 3:5
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Tus Caminos
Proverbios 3:6
Tus Caminos - Proverbios 3:6 View Larger and/or Order
Amó Dios el Mundo
Juan 3:16
Amo Dios el Mundo - Juan 3:16
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Jeremias 29:11
Pensamientos - Jeremias 29:11
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Buscad Primeramente
Mateo 6:33
Buscad Primeramente - Mateos 6:33
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Filipenses 4:13
Fortalece - Filipenses 4:13
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Palabra y Lumbrera
Salmos 119:105
Palabra y Lumbrera - Salmos 119:105
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Si Dios es por nosotros
Romanos 8:31
Si Dios es por nosotros - Romanos 8:31
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Lucas 12:34
Tesoro - Lucas 12:34
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Alegrará en Jehová
Salmos 35:9
Alegrara en Jehova - Salmos 35:9
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Esta es el Dia
Salmos 118:24
Esta es el Dia - Salmos 118:24
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Jehová es mi Pastor
Salmos 23:1
Jehova es mi Pastor - Salmos 23:1
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Eclesiatés 3:1
Tiempo -  Eclesiates 3:1
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Salmos 150:6
Aleluya - Salmos 150:6
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Grande en Misericordia
Salmos 103:8
Grande en Misericordia - Salmos 103:8
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Sizes are based on stitching using 14 count Aida or 28 count Evenweave or Linen (over 2).
The 5 x 7" (12.7 x 17.8cm) designs fit in standard off the shelf 5 x 7" (12.7 x 17.8cm) frames or 8 x 10" (20.3 x 25.4cm) frames with mats.

The large (easy to follow) two-three page charts, feature both DMC and Anchor floss, with easily identified symbols.

All designs feature only three easy stitches - X Cross Stitch - Back Stitch . French Knots.
No ¼ stiches or "strays".

Order the 5 x 5 and 5 x 7 inch Charts for immediate download for only $5.00 each

8 x 10 inch Charts are available for $6.00 each

Complete Kits have been discontinued in the Spanish 5 x 5"

Charts can be ordered using our secure Internet shopping cart from PayPal which takes all major credit cards
and accepts most foreign currencies, and checks or contact: Joyful Expressions to send a personal check. .

The Charts are downloaded in PDF format using the free Adobe Reader.

List of supplies needed to complete your Chart:

You may select the
button at any time, make changes, add or subtract items, and return before making any commitments.

Many foreign currencies are accepted. PayPal accepts Visa, Master Card, Discover,
American Express and personal checks. If you would prefer another payment option
such as mailing us a check, contact us at: Joyful Expressions

Sales tax will be charged to Missouri residents only.
If not entirely satisfied, we will gladly arrange a refund.

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Recieve que los dibujos / tablas en el PDF moldean r;¡pidamente

Muchas moneda extranjera son aceptadas.

PayPal acepta Visa, Master Card, Discover y American Express.
Si usted prefiere, usted podr;a hacer contacto con Joyful Expressions contentas para enviar un cheque.
No hay impuesto y ninga;ºn enve;­o cuesta usted cuando usted ordena un dibujo / tabla.

Las tablas / dibujos de color grandes y llenas. El tamaño es 12.7 x 12.7 cm. en 14 cuento.
Las tablas indican hilo de algodón para DMC y Anchor.