Un millon de gracias por regalarme éste diseño que lo voy a empezar a hacer hoy mismo, me encantó y los felicito por la oportunidad de compartir sus proyectos y sus trabajos. Soy Josefina y vivo en la Ciudad de Querétaro, México y me encantõ la historia de la Sra. China. Este diseño lo voy a hacer para regalar como recuerdo de la primera comunión de las hijas de mi amiga.Agradecerè si tienen más diseños para mÃ.
Reciban un abrazo y me encantó su página
Josefina Bravo Rubio
Done for one of our deacons and his wife who have been such encouragers to us as pastors.
Stitched by Sandra Sasser
THANKYOU! So much for your Kindness! I am home bound, and we have recently, finally , receiving help to clean our home, from time to time. We have a Mother/Daughter team. They speak Spanish, and I had Just asked God for a Spanish chart to do for them! AND then you offered these! I am so Blessed and Grateful to Our Holy God and for Him to provide You, my Friend!
Just this morning, I completed the A, B, C's of Faith. We will be working on trying to frame it, and would love to give it to a church we are planning on joining. And I would love to work it again, except on even weave, over 1 strand, to keep it a smaller size for our own home .
Holy Heart Hugs to you, and THANK YOU again!
Praises Because He Lives and Moves!
Pam Jensen
Hello, My name is Isabel and I'm Portuguese. I liked your "His name is Jesus" pattern so much that I bought it in Spanish and translated it to Portuguese.
I think it turned out great. Thank you, Isabel
I purposely chose floss colors reminiscent of Hispanic culture.
Angela Webster
Thanks a million for giving this design that I will start doing today, loved and welcomed the opportunity to share their projects and jobs. Josefina and I live in the city of Queretaro, Mexico and loved the story of Ms. China. This design will I do to give away as a souvenir of the first communion of the daughters of my amiga. Agradeceré if over designs for me.
Receive a hug and I loved your page
Josefina Bravo Rubio
Kama made it for me and I had it framed in Mexico, MUCH cheaper!. Kama came as a short term missionary to work with us here in Mexico and became like another daughter.. I had done MANY English ones and she introduced me to the Spanish, which I have done many of those as well. Thanks, Sandra
Stitched by Debby Santos
Stitched by Cristina Romero Castello
Stitched by Christine
Stitched by Lynn
Stitched by Debby Santos
Stitched by Heidi Nadal