Christmas is truly all about Jesus. The "birth announcement" found in Isaiah 9:6 heralds His coming.
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Finished size - 10 ⅝ x 14 ½ inches if stitched on 14 count Aida or 28 count Evenweave or Linen (over 2 strands) 150w X 204h stitches . 27.21 x 37.01cm . Charted in DMC and Anchor Floss . Skill Level Beginner to Intermediate
Most of the design is created in straight or back stitches for a quick and easy finish with attractive results.
Order the large, easy to follow chart spanning 7 pages for $8.00 For Unto Us
This was for daughter's school fundraiser/Evening of Gratitude with silent auction.
For Unto Us stitched on 14 ct. antique white Aida
Amy Chapman
My sister and brother-in-law loved it. Yes I let them open their Christmas gift early so they could enjoy the whole season. The picture I sent you my sister added a sprig of green to the top which makes it look so good.
Nina Thompson
I really liked the format of the names of God in the form of a Christmas tree and consider it great form of evangelization. Since there are so many shiny decorations in December, I decided to add sparkle by stitching on Charles Craft silver dusted Aida. It was really hard to catch the sparkles on camera without washing out the design with a lot of light , but it looks wonderful in person.
photography credit to Judith Soule of Fresh Look Photography
For Unto Us stitched by Carol Mcilroy
I found the inspiration for this design from a poster I located on Pinterest. I tried my best to locate the designer but her shop on Etsy was closed and her website and Facebook page were down as well. As a designer, I understand how important copyrights are and made every effort to contact the original designer. I have made many changes adapting this design to a cross stitch pattern.
All Christmas Designs at a Glance...
Sample Stitched by Trish Estes
I love how Judy Kutchen finished this design as a banner!
Another customer wanted to know what fabric and count Judy used, here is her response...
Hello Sandra.....I just used white 14 ct aida. Nothing fancy. I got soooo many compliments on it during Christmas!! Thank you again for the design!!! I'm currently doing your Wedding - Anniverary - 1 Corin. design. I have TWO grandsons getting married next summer. I got the pattern with the white roses. I have poor eyesight o late so I hope I can finish them.. I have plenty of time! Thank you again!!!
I just wanted to share my completed project with you!
I have done several of your designs and loved doing them all.
Thank you, Blessings to you!
Melissa Turner