Happiness Is HeartMade
Happiness Is HeartMade - Christy Shuhy Ortiz

Guest Designer: Christy Shuhy Ortiz of Happiness is HeartMade

New Release!

Call Unto Me

Christmas Designs

Unspeakable Gift - II Corinthians 9:15

Exceeding Great Joy - Matthew 2:10

Prince of Peace - Isaiah 9:6

Christmas Snowflake

Christmas Floral Noel

Christmas Tree Alphabet

New Release!

His Great Love - Ephesians 2:4-5

Lighthouse Series...

Stitch these inspirational designs for just $8.00 each - Collect all Six!

A lighthouse's primary purpose is to shine the light that is already within. As Christians, We are called to reflect and shine the light of Christ to the world.

Faith Hope Love - One Chart Several Versions!

Design Rated Customer Favorite

"Colorful" - Avocado Greens and Shell Pinks, "Monotone" and "Icings" - Like Frosting on Fabric

Faith Hope Love Shell Pinks and Avocado Greens

Shell Pinks and Avocado Greens

Faith Hope Love Monotone

Monotone - Antique White Fabric with Black Floss

Icings Faith Hope Love on Vinyard

"Icings" on Vineyard

Icings Faith Hope Love on Nuthatch

"Icings"on Nuthatch Blue

Two Designs from Jeremiah

With All Your Heart - Jeremiah 29:13 Whose Hope The Lord Is - Jeremiah 17:7

One Chart - Stitch Two Ways - Dogwood and Hearts Cross

Design Rated Customer Favorite

"Colorful" or as "Icings" - Like Frosting on Fabric

Dogwood and Hearts Cross Colorful Version

Colorful Version

Dogwood and Hearts Cross on Overdyed Fabric

"Icings" on Vineyard

Dogwood and Hearts Cross on Overdyed Fabric

"Icings" on Nuthatch Blue

Dogwood and Hearts Cross on Overdyed Fabric

"Icings"on Woodland

Give Me Jesus - Praise Song

Design Rated Customer Favorite

Late Summer Sparrows and Swallows - Psalm 84:3

One Chart - Stitch Two Ways - Fishers of Men

"Colorful" or as "Icings" - Like Frosting on Fabric

Fishers of Men Cross Stitch Matthew 4:19

Colorful Version

Fishers of Men Cross Stitch Matthew 4:19

"Icings" on Nuthatch

Fishers of Men Cross Stitch Matthew 4:19

"Icings" on Driftwood

Fishers of Men Cross Stitch Matthew 4:19

Contrasting Floss and Fabric

Bird Sampler - Matthew 6:26

Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they? Matthew 6:26 - King James Version

Bird Sampler Matthew 6:26

Monotone - Choose your floss color

Bird Sampler Matthew 6:26

"Icings" on Nuthatch Blue

Bird Sampler Matthew 6:26

"Icings" on Vineyard

Bird Sampler Matthew 6:26

"Icings" on Driftwood

Icings Design - Like Frosting on Fabric - To Every Thing A Season

Design Rated Customer Favorite

To Every Thing A Season - Ecclesiastes 3:1

To Every Thing A Season - Ecclesiastes 3:1

To Every Thing A Season - Ecclesiastes 3:1

Psalm 103:1 in English or in Spanish

Keep checking back as New Designs will be added!

Designer Testimony...

My husband and I live in a rural community about an hour outside of DC, where we have a beautiful view of the Shenandoah Mountains.

I grew up involved in church, so I was able to hear the gospel from a very young age. I accepted Jesus Christ as my Saviour as a child, and remained active in church through my growing-up years. I graduated from Bible College with a Major in Biblical Studies and Minor in Elementary Education. Later, as an adult, and after wandering away from where I knew I belonged, I recommitted to the decision I made as a child, being very thankful for God's protection and provision during those years.

I have always enjoyed crafting projects and being creative. I started cross stitching around junior high school age, and have enjoyed it ever since. My other hobbies include playing piano (sometimes helping out with it in church), cooking and baking, writing, and going for long drives in the country.

For many years, I had designed cross stitch patterns for my own stitching, but in 2005, I started Happiness Is HeartMade, and began designing patterns for others to stitch. My inspiration usually comes from the details of daily life. Bible verses or themes that I might have recently heard, seen somewhere, or read can find their way into a pattern. Bible verses we display through needlework are an encouragement and a joy to us as the stitcher, but they can be a testimony and an encouragement to other people, too. I am thankful for Sandra and the encouragement her designs have been to me, and for the opportunity she has given me to share my designs through Joyful Expressions.

Christy Ortiz

Glory ye in His holy name, let the heart of them rejoice that seek the Lord. 1 Chronicles 16:10

Additional Guest Designers...

Angela Webster - Word Art Designer

Diane Higdon - Designer of "Jehovah" and "Jehová Señor"

Visit Happiness Is HeartMade for more amazing designs by Christy!