Christmas Needle Minders - Clearance priced at ½ Off!
Christmas Charts Just $2 each Clearance priced at $1 each - Nice as Bookmarks - were stitchable cuffs
| Ornaments
| Snowflakes


Make your own Ornaments with Quick Stitch Mini Designs
Customer Testimony - December 2020
This is a big thank you for having a sale on some of your designs. I bought several of them as a Christmas present to myself so I can make them for giftgiving next Christmas!
During this pandemic so many have fallen on hard times. The two very part-time jobs, I had to bring in extra cash to help my family, disappeared because of the virus. However, I'm retired so I'm blessed to have an adequate income to provide for most of my needs. It's those little extras that have to fall by the wayside including the quantity of my gift giving.
However, your sale made it possible for me to work throughout the upcoming new year to provide lovely homemade gifts for next Christmas. My children had to stay apart, for the first time, this holiday season and I pray we will be together again next Christmas. I will have the most wonderful gifts to give them.
I looked at all your sale items and realized I couldn't decide between certain ones, so I bought the nine designs I know my children, sisters, and pastors will love.
I've purchased one kit from you in the past and my sister just loved it when she opened her homemade gift a few years back. I know I will purchase more in the future... thinking about doing some name blessings.
I downloaded and saved the files and already printed each pattern and have them tucked away until I'll begin one in juat a few weeks in January. Again, thank you for the sale.
Merry Christmas and blessings to you and your kin,